Friday, March 15, 2013

Four Day Challenge and Results

Day One!
Day Two

Day Three!
Day Four!

Four Day Progress: Front Shot
Four Day Progress: Side Shot

This challenge was tough, being four days this week consecutively and giving equal attention to different body parts. Today, I am so sore! This challenge is perfect for post-vacation or after a bad weekend, to get back into shape and feeling better about your body. It is a quick, get-in-shape, remedy. It is also a great bridge between a vacation and getting back into the swing of your workouts because it's a full body workout!

Thanks for all those who participated with me. So Excited to post the giveaway winner on Instagram!


Saturday, March 9, 2013

7 Steps to Starting Your Journey!

Hey guys and girls,

I just posted a video on my youtube channel giving you all 7 steps or tips to starting your own weight loss /fitness /healthy living journey! I'll post the video here then explain the steps shortly!
Ready to Start this Journey!

1.  WHY the journey?

Find out deep within why it is you want to be on this journey, why do you NEED to be on this journey? What is going to be the biggest motivator for you while on this journey? Remember to always keep in mind that it is a journey, not a straight linear trajectory to perfection! You need to always remember that setbacks may occur, you may have ups and downs, but throughout it all it is so important to remember why you started to begin with! Many people will ask you this, they might demand it. At times, when you are feeling down, you too will begin to doubt and wonder why? So keep your motivation near and dear!

2. What obstacles do you have or foresee?

Before starting your journey, it is important to know what obstacles might come your way. On the one hand, you could be the type of person who's been trying to start a journey for a long time now. In this case, you probably already know your hindrances. It is important to know your obstacles, become acquainted with them so that you can appropriately destroy them :) For those of you who haven't started a journey yet and aren't quite sure what kind of obstacles you might have, sit down and try to foresee what might block your path. Is it making the time, fitting fitness into your schedule? Is it that the healthy foods are more expensive or farther away? Is it homework or studies taking up too much time? You can only properly attempt to start a journey when you've thought about all of this!


Drink water. Whether you've started your journey, you're months in, you haven't started at all. DRINK as much water as you can. Obviously don't chug it nonstop ;) But the recommended amount of water a day is 8 glasses. It's difficult to always keep up with that; however, your body needs it. Water replenishes your body, energy, and overall quality of your life. In your journey, water is KEY. 

4. Plan out your meals!

I don't necessarily mean plan out each meal to the T forever. I definitely don't mean counting calories and growing paranoid over what you're eating. What I do mean is, have an idea of what you want to eat that day beforehand. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Without a plan, or at least guidelines, you are more likely to stray off track. 

5. Know your weaknesses!

KNOW the cravings you have, know your weaknesses. Know them well to appropriately attack them. Make sure there's only one bag of chocolate in the house not a warehouse storage (this helps you avoid binging accidentally, I'll post about this topic later!). 

6. Figure out your strengths!

KNOW your strengths. Which healthy foods do you just love? I love fruit to death so I make sure that if I'm in the mood to just munch on something, I munch on an apple. You don't want your journey to be painful. You want to love it. In order to do this, keep your strengths close and your weaknesses closer ;)

7. Fitness

You don't have to be trying to gain muscle, you don't have to be trying to enter a figure contest, you don't have to be trying to lose twenty pounds. By all means, if you are trying to do any of those go workout! For those of you who just want to become healthy and lead a better lifestyle, even you should workout. Getting your heart rate up is very important for your overall health and life! It's proven that cardio and getting your heart going prevents high cholesterol, clogging of arteries and other health problems. Add this with drinking tons of water and you've got a freshly fueled healthy pumping system :)

Try these out and see if they help!

Fit Happy and Healthy 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Hey all! I just uploaded the welcome to my youtube channel video! My Youtube Channel is:

I'm so excited to vlog for you all now :) Stay tuned for much more concerning my videos and plans!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Workouts I Did to Get Where I Am

Summer Workouts

Since the weather was nice and I had much more free time, I hit the gym EVERY day. Now, this isnt something that regularly happens; however, in the summer I can manage this!

Each workout lasted around 90 minutes consisting of a Cardio portion and a Pilates portion:

Combination of the two groups; picked depending on the intensity I wanted that day!

Treadmill: 5k (3.1miles) at a steady pace
Stairmaster: 45 minutes at medium intensity
Elliptical: 30 minutes at a steadily fast pace


Bicycle: 10 minutes low intensity
Elliptical: 15 minutes low intensity (didnt combine both elliptical)

(Always did all of this)

*Squats to one song (average 4 minutes), without a medicine ball of any weight for the first half of the song, with the medicine ball for the second half of the song

*100 Sit-ups

*100 Plies (across one or two songs, feel the burn!!)
*100 Grand Plies (same as above)
        inner thigh exercises

Fall/Winter Workouts

Getting back into the swing of classes, studying and extracurriculars took a toll on my workout routine. Then again, hitting the gym everyday simply isn't feasible for a regularly busy person (as I'm sure you all are!) I hit the gym four times a week if possible in the fall

Each workout lasted around two hours consisting of a Cardio portion and a Pilates portion:

Combination of the two groups; picked depending on the intensity I wanted that day!

Treadmill: 2 miles at a quick pace
Stairmaster: 60 minutes at medium intensity


Swimming: medium intensity for 30 minutes
Elliptical: 25 minutes low intensity (didnt combine both elliptical)


*Sit-ups for two songs (meaning around 8-9 minutes), I'd switch from low intensity on the verses to high intensity on the choruses. Switching between planks, biking legs, leg lifts, side sit-ups, regular sit-ups, one-leg sit-ups all of it (I'll give examples of these in my upcoming vlogs!)

*Squats for one song, around 4 minutes, with a 12 pound medicine ball (really felt the burn!) inner thigh and gluteus exercise

*Side abs, strictly, for 4 minutes to Blogilates' side-ab workout (I'll show you all this again, perfect for waist trimming)

**** When I coudn't get to the gym this past semester I'd retreat to quick workouts in my room consisting of: Zumba/dance aerobics for 30 minutes, sit-ups and leg-lifts for twenty minutes, or jumping jacks for two songs. Depending on the amount of time available, always try to squeeze something in even if busy!

Spring Workouts

To be determined! I'm going to try to get outdoors more often and get some fresh air :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

10 Facts About Me!

I wanted to share ten facts with you all since I haven't done that for about two months now. In the last few months I've more than doubled my Instagram follows so many might not know these things about me!

1. I'm a first semester senior an Ivy League university! I'm graduating a semester early so it's a little nerve-wrecking but mostly exciting! I'm going to join the real word as an actual adult by the end of this year. Crazy O.o

2. I have a one year old kitten named Tyger and he's one of my best friends :) I saved him from being euthanized and were inseparable now lol he's one of the most friendly kitties you'll ever meet and loves cuddles!

3. My favorite television show ever is Law & Order: SVU, I started season one over winter break and have watched at least six seasons since :) I love it! By the end of the twelfth season I'll probably consider myself a seasoned lawyer/detective/ultimate fan.

4. My newfound favorite food is avocado. Having learned loads about nutrition, health, and vitamins, I've fallen in love with avocado. It can be anywhere, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack. On a sandwich, with an itself :D The reason why I love it so much is because the flavor is so potent that I can't eat it too often, so it serves as a treat. Helps that it's packed with nutrients, healthy fats, and vitamins!

5. I love love love make-up, applying it, shopping for it, learning new tricks and styles! I watch make-up tutorials on youtube and hope to one day perfect the styles I watch however....its tricky! I've really just recently becoming addicted to make-up (this past summer!) my favorite and most necessary make-up component is liquid eyeliner!

Left: April 2011; Right: May 2012

6. I am currently and beauty and hair care vlogger on youtube! I dabbled in outfits of the day and make-up application; however, I'm mostly focused on hair care! I've been on a hair care journey since Freshman spring two years ago and my hair has flourished since. I actually thoroughly enjoy doing my hair and taking care of it :)

7. I'm a gigantic tea and coffee addict! I drink up to five cups of green tea daily, which is extremely benefitial for your health! I have a coffee a day and sometimes two, which is not as good for your health but so yummy! Starbucks is pretty much my second home ;)

8. I was a competitive swimmer for 6 years and swam on a U.S. swim team. I was literally the definition of an athlete. Between practices Monday-Friday 4-9pm, Mondays Wednesday and Fridays 5-7am and Saturdays 6-9am, I spent more time in a swim suit than not! I was also captain of my swim team in high school and loved the breaststroke!

9. I'm an English major with a Creative Writing concentration which means I write all the time! I've been writing stories almost all of my life, have a few novels self-published and I'm continuing to write more short stories, poetry, and books. I love characters and story and emotion and relationships. I'm writing more often than not :) It's my biggest passion for sure.

10. This fact you all may know.....but I'm a fitness freak! I started a 'Healthier Me' journey last July and am still on that journey to becoming the healthiest possible self I can be. After quitting my sports, I was no longer an athlete and didn't exercise like I needed to. In these past 7 months, I've learned tons about nutrition and fitness. Now I can't get enough of it and I'm here to help you all become the healthiest 'you' that you can be :)

Hope you all enjoyed this,

Monday, February 11, 2013

Less is Best

This is a project from my freshman year in college, a digital arts class! It's titled Less is Best. It really portrays the way society screams their messages about what size a girl should be. What's more, I got every single clip out of the same magazine. All of these messages were within a single magazine. This just gives an idea of just how much of an impact social media has on society. With grades like B+, B- to grade how much food you ate, and ads about makeovers, it's hard to think that you're perfect the way you are. We are a part of the fitfam so we want to be fit, and healthy, and in shape! That doesn't mean we can't have self-esteem; at the same time, magazines should promote self-esteem and messages about loving yourself to ladies these days!


Your Questions Answered!

Hi Everyone!

It's me FitHappyandHealthy from Instagram and as my first post I'm answering the questions you all asked me about fitness and nutrition! Hopefully this will be the beginning of a thriving blog where I can help everyone out :)


1. What is your best suggestion for losing weight?

     My biggest suggestion is honestly developing a self-awareness of what you're eating. Your diet makes up so much more of the physical results than exercising does. Be frank with yourself, think about what you're eating before you put it in your mouth. Be conscious of the nutrients in certain foods as well as the toxins in other foods. What you eat is what you'll end up working off later on! Make things easier for yourself and nip it in the bud!

2. What is your best suggestion for toning legs?
    I think that running has been the best attribute to my legs thinning and the stair master has been the best with toning. You have to first figure out if you really need thinning or toning. Sometimes it doesn't hurt to do both! The stair master is a great way to get your heart rate going as well as tone up your legs!

3. How do jumping jacks/sit-ups/gymnastics help?

    Jumping jacks are great for weight loss as well as overall fitness because not only is it a) free and easily accessible (all you need is your own body, and a little space of course!) but also it is b) a great way to get your heart rate up! You won't need to go anywhere, just stay in place and your heart rate skyrockets. Increasing your heart rate helps with weight loss and overall fitness and health for your body. Sit-ups don't necessarily increase your heart rate but they really burn your abs! It strengthens your core and can increase your heart rate if you do them quickly enough. Gymnastics requires so much energy that it is in fact ideal for weight loss. In addition to healthy eating, gymnastics is a great step toward a healthy body!

4. Best things to do to help your core?
    I would say sit-ups of every kind! I do regular sit-ups, one-legged sit-ups, side sit-ups, sit-ups with a medicine ball, etc. You can do almost any combination! Then there are leg lifts that help a ton with your lower ab region. I've also found, surprisingly, that dancing helps with your core. Dancing, in your room or even in a group at the YMCA, is a great form of cardio and strengthens your core (especially belly dancing :P)

5. How often do you workout?
    Personally, I have certain days that allow me more time to go to the gym and execute a formal workout. However, everyday I make sure to do something to stay fit, even if small! I take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible. I do tons of walking all around campus and even jog sometimes (like when I'm late for class!) Like I said in the previous question, pulling out your speakers and doing some home-made dance moves helps as well. When I have the time to hit the gym, usually three to four times a week, I'll workout for 90 minutes to 2 hours. Usually an hour or so of cardio and the rest in strengthening my core!

6. What's a good way to fit cardio into your day during a blizzard?
    I'm first off upset I missed the storm, all my family at home got two and a half feet of snow! But back to your questions, a dance party IN YOUR ROOM. Amazing right? It is. If not that, roll a towel onto your bedroom floor and bust out some sit-ups, as many as you want! That goes for push-ups and crunches. Another great way to workout indoors is Pilates! (And Squats!)

7. How do you stay fit/be healthy during times when you can't exercise (like wide awake in the middle of the night)?
    This is a good question! Sometimes I miss a workout in a day and am itching to get in exercise but it's either too late, I'm too tired, or busy. A good way to stay fit during times like these are by paying attention to the small things. If, for example, you have too much reading to do for school to workout then do some squats while reading! Trust me that'll be a great workout. If you're awake in the middle of the night and want to do SOMETHING to be fit, I suggest squats as well as plies, grand plies, and maybe even a plank while you scroll through your twitter TL :)

8. What leg exercises do you do and how often do you do them?
    I consider my cardio to be leg exercises as they are using my legs the most: the stair master, the bicycle, treadmill, regular running, or the elliptical. I do that four times a week. My other exercises are leg pilates, squats, and plies which I try to do three times a week!

9. I know you said you do the stair master and said it's helped to thin your legs, but many people say the stair master will only make your legs bigger. What do you believe?
   This is a great question! Many who want to become slimmer or thinner stray from exercises in general in the fear of bulking up or becoming to muscley. The thing is, you just need to be informed on which exercises bulk you up and which ones trim you down and just tone your body. The stair master can very easily bulk you up, just like running, or the bicycle; however, on a low resistance they are great for trimming and toning your legs and general body. The stair master on level twenty, high resistance bike, or sprints on the treadmill will bulk you up. Whereas the stair master on level one or four, low resistance bike, and long distance running will trim you down!

10. How many calories a day did you eat to lose weight?
    Honestly, it changed quite a bit from day one to now! Before, I was very self-conscious about losing weight and eating very little. But really what you should focus on is counting nutrients. Make sure you aren't having too much sodium, too many carbs, too much cholesterol or fats. Make sure you're having the right amount of protein, enough fiber, enough vitamins! I don't count calories anymore because it makes dieting a little neurotic. Instead of attributing numbers to foods, count the good things in foods and the bad things!

11. What's your opinion on eating dairy products? (milk, eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese)
    My opinion? They're great! Dairy is a whole food group. It's necessary! I choose skim milk over whole and skim cheese as well. I also don't have cheese much at all! I prefer to get my dairy from nonfat yogurt or skim milk :) Cheeses can be very dangerous, as in high in the bad fats and cholesterol.

I hope this was helpful guys and thanks for the questions, it was a great way to startup my blog!
